Books, Magazines, & Selected Published Works

  • Destroy Everything #1

    Publisher, Curator & Layout Design for Punk Art Magazine (California, 2022).

    8.5” x 11” Full Color, 104 pages

  • Destroy Everything #2

    Publisher, Curator & Layout Design for Punk Art Magazine (California, 2023)

    8.5” x 11” Full Color, 120 pages

  • We Were Free for A While: Back to Back in the Black Panther Party

    Publisher, Layout Designer and Content Manager for Biography of Professor Steve McCutchen, Black Panther

    6” x 9”, Black & White, 262 pages

  • Punks Around Omnibus

    Publisher & Layout Design for Compilation of issues 6 - 14 of Punks Around Zine

    5.5” x 8.5” Full Color, 422 pages

  • Homeland Insecurity Zine

    Curator, Layout Designer: Exhibition Zine for Homeland Insecurity, an art exhibition inspired by Victoria Woodhull

    8.5” x 11” Full Color, 40 pages

  • 1984/2020: Punk on the Western Front

    Curator: Exhibition Zine for 1984/2020: Punk on the Western Front (2020)

    8.5” x 11” Full Color, 40 pages

Music Release: Compilation LP

V/A Distort the Bay (2023)

A compilation record of 23 bands from the current hardcore and punk genre actively representing the San Francisco and East Bay music scene.

12” LP release in collaboration with Destroy Art and supported by Pirates Press.

Need support for your print publication or record release project?